198展会网2020-04-29 13:312278


Statement to the “Shanghai International Catering Chain Exhibition 2020” postponed


Dear exhibitors, visitors, partners and media friends:

按照要求,受**影响,开放式活动场所暂不举行大型聚集性活动与各类展览。为保障广大参展商和观众的身体健康与生命安全,经相关主管部门同意,组委会将原定于2020年05月07-09日在上海虹桥国家会展中心举办“2020上海国际餐饮连锁加盟展览会(简称:Chain China)”延期至2020年10月20-22日召开,地点不变。因展会延期给您和您的企业造成不便,我们深表歉意!

According to the “Notice on further strengthening the prevention and control measures for key venues, units and groups to curb the novel coronavirus outbreak” issued by the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism,  in view of the current global spread of the novel coronavirus, large-scale public activities and exhibitions that call for gathering people should not be organized. To protect the health and safety of our exhibitors and visitors in our exhibition as well as under the guidance of the relevant authorities, we are regret to announce that, originally scheduled to be held from 07-09 May, 2020,The Shanghai International Catering Chain Exhibition 2020 ( Chain China ) will be postponed to 20-22 October, 2020. The venue will remain unchanged at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. We apologize for all the inconvenience caused by the postponement

目前,2020上海国际进口食品及饮料展览会(简称:Chain China)的各项筹备工作正有序推进中,再次感谢您长久以来对我们展会的关注与支持。组委会也将继续努力与您携手共同在金秋十月打造一场餐饮连锁加盟行业高质量的专业采购盛会。最后,祝愿您和您的企业的此次上海之行能有最大的收获!

All preparatory work for Chain China is progressing in an orderly manner now. Thank you very much for your understanding and support again! We will continue to make great efforts to create a high-quality professional procurement event for the food and beverage industry in the golden autumn of October. Sincerely wish your company can have a great harvest from the trip to Shanghai.


The mountains and rivers are safe, and the world is fine. Sow in spring and harvest in autumn.




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